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What equipment do I need to bring for long-distance cycling trips? (Cycling equipment)

time:2023-10-30 17:08:53Views:

1. Helmet: 1 is sufficient

2. Gloves: 1 pair, full finger or half finger depending on the local environment

3. Sleeve cover: If riding a bike wearing long sleeved clothes or not afraid of getting tanned, it can be exempted from wearing

4. Pants cover: personal preference

5. Cycling pants: 1 or 2 pairs

6. Cycling jacket: Personal hobby with 2 short sleeves (summer)

7. Quick drying clothes: very useful as sweat wicking underwear or outerwear

8. Stormtrooper: Depending on the temperature in the area, a lightweight and lightweight design is generally preferred to reduce carrying;

9. Emergency pants: can be prepared or not

10. Hiking shoes: for cycling/outdoor use (for long-distance cycling, I personally do not approve of wearing locked shoes)

11. Beach shoes: for bathing/playing in the water/cycling;

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